(Note: Please wait for up to one minute before interacting with this simulation. It takes a while for the sky-box is load :{ )


Generate a mini winter forest paradise with a variety of different snow-covered trees, stumps, rocks and logs using ThreeJS. You can regenerate the forest many times you want if you are not happy with the current design of the forest. A great tool for making a visual graphic for the winter or Christmas season indeed! The forest scene can generate up to 2500 nature items!


  • Press A: Add a random nature item (tree, stumps, rocks or rocks) to the forest scene. 
  • Hold A: Generate the nature items at a constant rate!
  • Press R: Start a new forest scene by removing all of the current nature items.
  • Mouse/Trackback: Rotate the camera (view) around the forest.
  • Left-arrow: Move the camera (view) left.
  • Right-arrow: Move the camera (view) right.


Feel free to donate a dollar or couple of cents to support me on my game development journey :}

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